Whether or not you agree with NAPLAN- it is arriving next week!
These tests are given to provide a snapshot of a student’s academic skills and the results help schools determine the effectiveness of their programs and the specific needs of their students.
Some children enjoy tests and many do not.
We have found many of our students are over-concerned and we know that stressed students are more likely to fail. This is the reason teachers and parents need to stay calm and help kids to de-stress.
Simply tell your child you know they will do their best and if they have problems you will help them and so will their school.
Don’t try to second-guess what might be in the test. It is far too late for that!
Now is the time for calm and focused thinking. Your children need good sleeps, minimum screen time and plenty of exercise.
Above all they need your calm attitude and a little fun! Laughter is excellent to lower stress levels and help children to stop worrying. No amount of worrying will help children to get better scores.
On the day of NAPLAN make sure your children eat a nutritious breakfast, get to school on-time and have a healthy packed snack and lunch.
They will probably want to chat to you about the tests after school but if not, just leave it be! They need a little down time to process and it is far better to simply continue with usual daily routines.
When you get the results, please do not stress if they are not what you expected. If your child gets nervous during tests they may make many mistakes and not really show what they can do.
Stay calm and congratulate them on pleasing results and tell children you will make sure they get all the help they need if the results are not good.
Remember-NAPLAN is just one measure of progress. Their teachers are also keeping dated samples of work, test results from class tests and observational records to make up a far more comprehensive picture.
Above all, help children to celebrate all their successes as well as difficulties and to let children know that their mistakes are simply signposts to success!