Well-today was all about love for me and what a day it was!

The Beatles were not wrong- it IS all you need and if you love a few people and a few people love you, you are truly blessed.

I had my usual long Monday list of THINGS THAT MUST BE DONE and love intervened in many ways- a bit like a hungry, determined cat that will NOT leave you alone until you stop and feed it!

There were family members fed up with me, family members I was fed up with, people who needed my love more thanĀ I had realised and the pain and joy of dealing with it all. And, funnily enough, at the end of a day that still has 90% of tasks undone, it feels like the most satisfying, love filled, frustrating and yet worthwhile day ever. Indeed, a day to remind me to keep the main thing the main thing!

I’ve been reviewing our programs lately and reflecting on why kids do so well on only once or twice a week attendance and I am convinced it is also aboutĀ  love. The small staff at ICE LOVE their kids and I delight in the cheerful giggles, happy noises and smiling faces I see every day. Looks like in education we also need to keep the main thing the main thing. The Beatles were onto something-love transforms, heals and brings us closer. It is just as necessary in education as it is in our personal lives!

We Begin……….

This first day of the holiday BOOST program always feels strange- like we are all in slow motion! I think it is because at the end of the year we are all running as fast as we can-then we break and relax and then back to it, and yet back with a calmer spirit. Somehow after rest we are able to see the “whole picture” again and really enjoy the teaching process.
We noticed the students were far more relaxed and receptive. I am always surprised by how much the children achieve during the holidays. It really does bear out the research that shows relaxed students learn more!
The whole day flowed so easily and none of us felt tired or stressed. We have only had about 1 week off (students have had 2), but the difference in tension levels is HUGE!
All through the holidays we are working on our special theme packs to interest the children and help them enjoy the “wholeness” of learning. I am convinced we need to teach in a very focused, explicit way but within a meaningful, enjoyable theme that MATTERS to children. For me-nothing beats the shining eyes of a bunch of children totally engaged and interested in the subject matter.
Really teaching children has to be the most sacred profession of all!


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