Not a Worksheet in Sight!

MQ1_3508a (003)I was honoureconf 2d to be a presenter both days at the recent ECDA conference in Singapore.

Over the 2 days I spent a great deal of time walking around, meeting educators and looking at the wonderful displays about children’s learning.

What really struck me as unusual was NOT A BORING WORKSHEET in sight!

There were photos of children engaged in creative, problem solving activities and many examples of their writing and fascinating ideas.

There were HUGE displays of children’s art and craft and models they built to demonstrate understanding of various themes and projects.

The excitement about science, maths, literacy and social emotional learning was everywhere! Young children had been to museums and art galleries to learn and absorb and then allowed to respond honestly in their own unique ways.

Congratulations ECDA on a wonderful IMG_5953conference and congratulations Singapore Pre-School teachers for the amazing showcasing of children’s work and creativity.

I came back to Perth, invigorated and fired small worldup with so many ideas and new strategies.  Thank you!

An Inspirational Woman!







I caught up with my friend, colleague and “inspirer” yesterday at the Singapore Preschool teachers’ conference.

Dr Christine Chen is a bright, shining Jewel on the Singapore Preschool educational scene and I am proud to have been associated with a few of her myriad projects!

Christine commented to us, “My job here. has finished,” in response to the tremendous outpouring of creativity and showcasing of quality pre-school programs on show. She is both right and wrong!

Yes Christine- you have done an amazing job and what a transformation over the last 20 years but Christine- you are still needed! All your ideas, passion, clear thinking are needed on the world stage now as well as in Singapore. We ALL need you. The children around the world need you!

It is the Christine Chens of this world who humbly work towards helping children and transforming their world. People like this think clearly, stick to their visions, work incredibly hard and remember it is all about children. We all need models like Christine to inspire and lift us up!

Sorry Christine- your work will NEVER be finished but may your journey be blessed and joyous!


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