Not a Worksheet in Sight!

MQ1_3508a (003)I was honoureconf 2d to be a presenter both days at the recent ECDA conference in Singapore.

Over the 2 days I spent a great deal of time walking around, meeting educators and looking at the wonderful displays about children’s learning.

What really struck me as unusual was NOT A BORING WORKSHEET in sight!

There were photos of children engaged in creative, problem solving activities and many examples of their writing and fascinating ideas.

There were HUGE displays of children’s art and craft and models they built to demonstrate understanding of various themes and projects.

The excitement about science, maths, literacy and social emotional learning was everywhere! Young children had been to museums and art galleries to learn and absorb and then allowed to respond honestly in their own unique ways.

Congratulations ECDA on a wonderful IMG_5953conference and congratulations Singapore Pre-School teachers for the amazing showcasing of children’s work and creativity.

I came back to Perth, invigorated and fired small worldup with so many ideas and new strategies.  Thank you!

NEW START for brave kids!

NEW Cute yellow chick standing on child' s handSTART FOR 16 KIDS!
On Good Friday we launched the EASTER NEW START program in Singapore.


What amazing, receptive kids they were!
We went through a gradual process, learning to regularly express GRATITUDE, reviewing our SMARTS, stimulating our brains, writing AFFIRMATIONS, writing goals and much more!
I have learned that children DO want to be motivated, and reach for the stars. They often feel hopeless and don’t know where to start. These kids were SO receptive and I observed so many acts of kindness from them throughout the day. Most children did not know each other well before the workshop- many had formed firm friends by the end!
I had children of all ages in this workshop and they were fascinated to learn more about their brains and find out the RULES FOR GETTING SMARTER.
Of course the hard work starts now and I sincerely hope the children will continue to use these KEYS TO SUCCESS.

Well done children! It was a privilege spend a day with you!
We will be holding a similar workshop with children in Perth on Friday and I thoroughly look forward to it!



LKYToday I walked with many thousands of Singaporeans to pay respect to Mr Lee Kuan Yew.

We emerged at the closest MRT station to a huge sea of people. In any other country, including Australia, I would feel slightly nervous around that number of people but not here.

People are queuing up to 10 hours to pay their respect and the hours of viewing per day have been increased to 24!

They were united in their purpose, aged people, children, pregnant women, young men, school kids- they came in their thousands with one common intent – to pay respects to their founder. And the mood was sombre but happy and sincere.

People gave out fans, drinks, food and there was an incredible sense of community. We walked in groups for a few hours, and the mood started to change and become quieter and more reflective as we approached Parliament House.

Each of us was lost in our own thoughts about this man. Each one of us needed to reflect and dwell on what effect this many had on the world. A great man has passed away. A man many of us in Australia disagreed with as young people, and yet if you take the long view- his achievements were amazing. His values, determination and in particular his unerring integrity and vision speak for themselves.

At Parliament House we were sincerely thanked for coming and we silently filed past the coffin. The mood was so quiet, respectful and lovingly solemn as each person bowed to show their respect.
It was a slice of history that will not be seen again.

It is a privilege to be here at this sad but curiously uplifting time!


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