A schoolboy in a science classI am busy choosing our themes and experiments for SUPER SCIENCE SATURDAYS and enjoying imagining the enjoyment of children as they engage in the curiosity raising activities planned.

I was sad to note that Aussie kids are said to be behind in the global science scales. Really?

I have taught science for many years as part of our primary curriculum and rarely met a child who does not enjoy it. All children are curious about the natural world and naturally generate intelligent questions. So why would this be happening?

Is this measurement system really measuring science attainment and understanding or is it just measuring the ability to regurgitate formulae and facts?

We harness this huge interest in our Super Science Saturday programs by using science as a driver for all literacy and numeracy. E.g. A plan for a unit might start messy like this and gradually move science-blogto a more formal plan with details of the experiments, resources needed etc. I like the kids to suggest future learning activities. They LOVE to have some input!

The thing is- kids have an intrinsic interest in this area so any maths/literacy lessons with science themes are bound to be winners!



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