Increasingly we are working with children experiencing serious sleep disorders and reporting problems with tension and “letting go.”

Our daily mindfulness and brain- body connection time although only 5 minutes, is becoming crucial if children are going to be able to concentrate and give of their best during our sessions.

Last Friday and next Friday (13/21 Oct) we have had WORK-REST-PLAY balance as our themes for our ART FROM THE HEART program. This week the children are exploring Kandinsky’s concentric circles using 3 colours to represent this much needed balance.

It is crucial that children are helped to find this balance and we also need it. The best way to teach kids about healthy, balanced lives is to model it! Let them see you relax and show them you have interests- whether these be hobbies/ special reading/arts/crafts etc.

Many children who spend HUGE amounts of time on digital media are very un-familiar with the term “hobby” and we are trying to help them develop their intrinsic interests in our GENIUS HOUR and within our ART FROM THE HEART sessions.

Here is a helpful link about hobbies – let’s all try for some healthy balance this week!

Call 92714200 to enquire about our courses or email me on for more info.



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