There is something deeply satisfying about writing goals BEFORE New Year’s Eve!
I love this process-this gradual quickening of thr year and the finding of words to describe and capture then essence of the year!

This is a DRAGON YEAR and I think there will be plenty of dragon energy around! The children will be delighted to usher in the year of the Dragon-kids have this everlasting fascination with these amazing mythical creatures and so I confess have I! So this is the WATER Dragon year-we have not had once since 1952! Thank goodness we found our water-dragon eggs and they are definitely growing!

So-back to the goals-this year I am going to read through them everyday and carry them at all times. But-this year I am going to leave a little more room for spontaneity and fun-personally and for ICE-there must be some serendipity in our learning cocktail!
I feel like a creature who has been deeply sleeping since Christmas Eve and just shaking body and mind awake-deeply refreshed and wanting to hang on to this feeling of time to spare-that is my challenge for this year! Thi is also the year we re launching our new Time Management seminar-so TIME-must ponder and meditate on this during my lazy pool/breakfast time tomorrow!

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